First of all – what is a hook? A hook in general is a macro or command that can be re-defined by the user, and that is called implicitly. Thus, by re-defining a hook, the user can modify the behaviour of the program at certain points.
In PP3, hooks are called for printing text of various kinds. For
example, every implicit (i.e. automatically generated) star name
is printed by \Starname
as in \Starname{$\gamma$}
. By
default, this macro does nothing more than printing its argument:
But if you re-define it, you can make every (implicit!) star label a little bit larger:
\renewcommand*{\Starname}[1]{\larger #1}
Notice that the macro \larger
is provided by the `relsize'
package that must be loaded before, see User preamble. So, just
write the lines
\usepackage{relsize} \renewcommand*{\Starname}[1]{\larger #1}
in the file mypreamble.tex
, say
set latex_preamble mypreamble.tex
in the PP3 input script, and voilà – all star labels are
PP3 knows nine hard-wired LaTeX hooks: